Thursday, January 28, 2016

Self Branding Ideas

I having been coming up with ideas for my self branding project and looking at myself as a person.
Something that I know about myself is that I love to gain knowledge, have new experiences, develop skills, understand people all so that I can grow as a person and a designer.

When doing some research I came across the word Ideologist, this is a person who advocate a particular ideology and deals with a system of ideas (a visionary). 
An ideology is a set of beliefs that affects our outlook on the world. Our ideology is our most closely held set of values and feelings, and it acts as the filter through which we see everything and everybody. In fact, these beliefs are oftern  so close to us that we do not realise that they are there.

I have my own strong beliefs however I find it important to understand other peoples beliefs and opinions. However after researching this I found that this is a good way of describing myself.
Here are some of my beliefs,
  • You need to find a way to be positive
  • Everything is always developing and evolving into something better and this is important.
  • Never give up with what you believe in
  • Things happen to you as a person only make you stinger and develop your personality.
The idea behind my branding
Kate Higgins // Ideologist
I believe that as a designer it is important to grow and develop skills with new experiences and gaining knowledge. I am very strong at knowing my beliefs and I also want to understand people and grow as a designer and a person.

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