Day 1
Dines from Studio Blup visited us to tell us a little but about how he got where he was today! Here is some things that stuck in my mind about what he said,
Commit first - figure out later
Be prepared
Know your Goals
Offer your work to people
He was also very kind to listen to everyones Ideas, I talked to him about me raising awareness on how to communicate with people who have disabilities he really liked the idea and gave me some feedback that I should talk to people and gain as much knowledge about the subject as possible!
Overall I was very impressed with his clients and found him very friendly and relatable. He gave us all time to talk to him and great, positive feedback.
Day 2
Rose Nordin from Rabbits Road Press did a presentation on publishing and art funds, this is what stood out to me within her talk,
Talking to people will open doors
apply for art funds and Artists residencies as they will
help you travel.
She did a Lexicon Zine activity with us were everyone created a page in the zine by collage. My word I created was Book using shapes and cut outs from magazines. By the end we had two zines created by 60 different people!
Overall Rose taught me about what artists residencies were and how zines can help you in your career.
Day 3
Eve Warren and Chris Shuttleworth from Robot food come to do a talk about there path from graduation to robot food.
This is what stood out to me
Create Memorable designs with unique selling points
Fill the gap in the market with something unique
Be aware of the environment
They then told us about a project they did as some time off in Robot Food which was the Design Sprint. They were split into teams and given something to redesign within 5 working days.
Overall I found these two very interesting seeing how they all work together as a team and how they did the design sprint as a break but also a friendly competition. It has shown me that it is important to think outside of the box and be different.
Day 4
Shannie Mears and Will de Groom from the elephant room come to tell us about there journeys and this is what stood out to me
How important it is to represent culture
Create a role that is right for you show what you are good at
Connect and collaborate with all types of people
Be memorable
Do not undervalue your worth
Overall they were very friendly and approachable people I felt they were very good at advice and helped us see the bigger picture and how we have to be ourselves and work with others.
Day 5
Abraham Asefaw from The pop up agency came to tell us a little but about his journey and projects, this is what stood out to me
Don't forget the business side of things
Try all ideas
Have clear goals that you can revisit.
He then did an activity with us where we in groups came up with an idea and promoted it using 140 characters and emoji sentence. The funny thing about this task was that all of the groups concepts related to creatives.
Overall Abraham was a great way to finish off the week, he was a very interesting man and it was amazing to see his business idea and how much money he was able to earn from his time. He was very passionate and gave us advice in moving forward!
Overall I was very happy that I attended this week as I learned a lot for all different creatives, I especially liked the hands on aspects of some of the talks and how we were all able to ask questions and talk freely. This was a very well put together week and it would be nice to do more things like this!
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